

alpnProtocols?: string[]
alpsProtocols: string[]
certCompressionAlgo?: CertCompressionAlgo
clientIdentifier?: ClientIdentifier
connectionFlow?: number
debug?: boolean
disableIPV4: boolean
disableIPV6: boolean
forceHttp1?: boolean
h2Settings?: H2Settings
h2SettingsOrder?: (keyof H2Settings)[]
headerOrder?: string[]
headerPriority?: PriorityParam
headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders
insecureSkipVerify?: boolean
isReady: boolean = false
isRotatingProxy: boolean
ja3string?: string
jar: Cookies = ...
keyShareCurves?: KeyShareCurves[]
pool?: Pool
priorityFrames?: PriorityFrames[]
proxy?: null | string
pseudoHeaderOrder?: PseudoHeaderOrder[]
randomTlsExtensionOrder?: boolean
sessionId?: string
supportedSignatureAlgorithms?: SupportedSignatureAlgorithms[]
supportedVersions?: SupportedVersions[]
timeout: null | number


  • get cookies(): Serialized
  • Retrieves all cookies from the jar.

    Returns Serialized

    An object where keys are URLs and values are objects containing cookies as key-value pairs.


    "": {
    "cookie1": "value1",
    "cookie2": "value2"
    "": {
    "cookieA": "valueA",
    "cookieB": "valueB"


  • The 'close' method closes the current session.

    Returns Promise<any>

    The response from the 'destroySession' function.

  • The 'delete' method performs a DELETE request to the provided URL with the provided options.


    • url: string

      The URL to perform the DELETE request to.

    • Optional options: DeleteRequestOptions

      The options for the DELETE request.

    Returns Promise<Response>

    The response from the 'execute' method.

  • The 'execute' method performs a HTTP request of the provided method to the provided URL with the provided options.


    • method: Methods

      The HTTP method of the request.

    • url: string

      The URL to perform the request to.

    • options: RequestOptions

      The options for the request.

    Returns Promise<Response>

    A new Response object.

  • The 'freeMemory' method frees the memory used by the session with the provided id.


    • id: string

      The id of the session to free the memory of.

    Returns Promise<void>

    The response from the 'destroySession' function.

  • The 'get' method performs a GET request to the provided URL with the provided options.


    • url: string

      The URL to perform the GET request to.

    • Optional options: GetRequestOptions

      The options for the GET request.

    Returns Promise<Response>

    The response from the 'execute' method.

  • The 'head' method performs a HEAD request to the provided URL with the provided options.


    • url: string

      The URL to perform the HEAD request to.

    • Optional options: HeadRequestOptions

      The options for the HEAD request.

    Returns Promise<Response>

    The response from the 'execute' method.

  • The 'options' method performs an OPTIONS request to the provided URL with the provided options.


    • url: string

      The URL to perform the OPTIONS request to.

    • Optional options: OptionsRequestOptions

      The options for the OPTIONS request.

    Returns Promise<Response>

    The response from the 'execute' method.

  • The 'patch' method performs a PATCH request to the provided URL with the provided options.


    • url: string

      The URL to perform the PATCH request to.

    • Optional options: PatchRequestOptions

      The options for the PATCH request.

    Returns Promise<Response>

    The response from the 'execute' method.

  • The 'post' method performs a POST request to the provided URL with the provided options.


    • url: string

      The URL to perform the POST request to.

    • Optional options: PostRequestOptions

      The options for the POST request.

    Returns Promise<Response>

    The response from the 'execute' method.

  • The 'put' method performs a PUT request to the provided URL with the provided options.


    • url: string

      The URL to perform the PUT request to.

    • Optional options: PutRequestOptions

      The options for the PUT request.

    Returns Promise<Response>

    The response from the 'execute' method.